I don’t know about you, but I love supporting local businesses. Especially honey. (Ok maybe Mead but that needs fresh and local honey too). And just like how releasing bees into local plant-life can help the entire environment, the same can be said for co-op marketing.
Co-Op Marketing is when you can produce something that another local business could benefit from. For example, the local honey shop down the road needs labels for jars and other packaging, or maybe t-shirts and you just so happen to be a marketing company who can supply those needs. Now, not only are you supporting local, but you are also advertising there as well. The local store can now leave out cards or fliers or digital paths straight to you. It is networking for a cause. Like the bees. It can change the whole environment.
One way you can see if co-op marketing would work for you would be to check your area, google local businesses in your area or surrounding areas and see what they currently offer. Do you offer something that could help promote them? Do you frequent the same places and have always thought you could do something for them? Or maybe they could help you? Maybe you don’t even know what local businesses exist nearby. Now is the time to get acquainted. Local businesses give our communities character, and we should always promote that.
The impact of supporting local businesses is huge and so are the benefits. Heres’ a few:
Supporting Local Businesses will:
-Keep funds in the community-
Local businesses tend to buy local too, which keeps the community going and growing. Co-op marketing locally will help create a web of contacts and local suppliers to keep you moving.
-Create more jobs-
The more we support locally, the more jobs can be offered and with higher wages. This can also lead to generational jobs passed down.
-Sustain the local environment-
Local businesses help keep their area clean and in turn can bring about walking towns and less driving, which will reduce the impact on the habitat and on pollution. All these things can bring more business locally and not-so locally as well.
So, as both a consumer AND a local business, we believe in the power of working together and building community relationships.
Let’s get out there and meet each other.
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A Media Marketing has been helping our clients for over 50+ years in the Tampa Bay Area. We are a full-service marketing agency specializing in all aspects of media from social, video and web, as well as education and training for our clients. Print and ad specialties are still a valuable component in any marketing campaign and are also available to our clients. From Strategy to Implementation to Measurement, we have you covered!