Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a hot topic in the workplace. What we have to understand before we can embrace anything else in this blog is that we have all walked through different doors to get where we are. We all have a different lens that we see life through. Once we understand this, we can appreciate its importance and fully experience the benefits of having each other. So what are the benefits of DEI? What challenges does it present? And how can we create a culture of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in our organizations? Here's what you need to know:
The Benefits:
The Challenges:
The challenges of diversity and inclusion are real, but we're here to tell you that they're also surmountable. Here's how to create a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion in your workplace:
1. Talk about it
First things first: talk about it! Encourage open dialogue about what diversity means and why it matters. Make sure everyone on your team feels comfortable talking about their experiences with diversity and inclusion, whether they've had positive or negative experiences with them in the past.
2. Be inclusive
When hiring new employees, look for people who can bring diverse perspectives into your company's goals and objectives—and not just because it's good for business! Make sure everyone is represented in your leadership team so that no one gets left out of the conversation. Also take a look at your marketing strategy. Can people see themselves working at your business? Is diversity reflected on your website or social media campaigns?
3. Create an environment where people feel comfortable asking questions
Whether you're hiring new employees or simply trying to improve diversity within an existing team, make sure everyone knows they can feel comfortable asking questions if there's something they don't understand. It might seem like a small thing at first glance, but fostering a culture where people feel safe asking questions will go a long way toward making everyone feel included and valued within the company as a whole!
And being valued is basic human need. I think we can do better! Don’t you?
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